
It's summer time!

Guess what, my iPhone says that it's 20 degrees right now ->awesome<-!
This week was really stressful, I had an important French and Math test and I think I really failed the Math test :( Anyways, it's the weekend now, although I gotta study Biology, German and Economies BUTTTT on Thursday I have my last test :D As for now, I'm really looking forward tonight, because I'm going out with my best friend, I might also take some pictures! The ones you can see above were just taken 2 hours ago. I'm also already looking forward next weekend, because Jenny and I are having a photoshoot together!!


Alice said...

You're really pretty (: x

who the fuck is N.? said...

i really looooove your pictures..
which camera? :)

chopstick panorama said...

Das Wetter ist einfachs ooo klasse!!